Rockbrook assisted in the upgrade of Encirc a glass bottle manufacturer, beverage filling and logistics company in the UK accounting for over 10% of the market.

Project details

Encirc are a large scale glass bottle manufacturer, beverage filling and logistics company. Their manufacturing site in Liverpool is the largest high volume beverage packaging and processing plant in the United Kingdom accounting for over 10% of the market and houses the world’s biggest glass container furnace.

Encirc wanted to ugrade their manufacturing facility and improve their automation processes.  Rockbrook were engaged to upgrade and re-automate the entire 6000+ IO site automation system utilising the Siemens Simatic PCS7 distributed control system (DCS).

Over the course of two years in a live manufacturing environment Rockbrook redesigned and implemented a new industrial control network. We examined the existing processes and re-designed them to better optimise them and increase manufacturing efficiency. For the new packaging and production processes we also designed and implemented the automation solutions.


Ash Rd, Elton, Chester CH2 4LF, United Kingdom 

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